Season Championship
Springfield Raceway - Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Springfield Mo. TODAY is RACE DAY 10/12/24 🏁 SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP/Bombrs POWDER PUFF 🏁 Pit Gate- 2:00 🏁 Grandstands open 4:25 🏁 Driver Cut off - 4:50 🏁 Drivers Meeting - 4:40 🏁SHOW TIME - 5:15 ish hot laps 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 RACING 5:45 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 🏁To our new followers from around the world remember you can watch from home at . https://springfieldraceway.tv/ ITINERARY 10/12/24 subject to change 2: 00 - PIT GATE 4:25 - GRAND STANDS 4:45 - DRIVERS MEETING 4:50 - Driver Cut Off 5:15 - Hot Laps 5:45 ish - Racing HEATS- , MW B , LEG , B MOD , MW A P.S. , FWD B FEATURES -if necessary A MAIN - MW MODZS B class ......INTERMISSION .......... A MAIN- PURE STOCK A MAIN- LEGEND A MAIN- MW A A MAIN- B MOD A MAIN - FWD MAIN EVENT - POWDER PUFFS BOMBr ENDURO ADDED MONEY TO FWD…… Junk & Disorderly Flea Market & More out of Ash Grove Mo & Miller Xpress Springfield Mo. Will be adding $1,000 in the top 10 of the Guffey Services Fwd with the A Main paying $350 to WIN this Saturday October 12. Springfield Missouri…OCTOBER 12 🏁 SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP… 🏁 BOMBr / Enduros 🌺 POWDER PUFF Ladies…all tha ladies…All tha single or married ladies …. It’s your time…. To do it in tha dirt… This Saturday OCTOBER 12 will be SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP , BOMBRs Enduro along with LADIES POWDER PUFF RACES. That’s right ladies on the ¼ mile clay oval.The Powder Puff event is for Women only No men or no transgender may compete. ( Just so no discrimination is taken … we do have mechanics races for guys in our season as well ) They always say behind every good man is a very good woman. So Drivers suit your favorite lady up & let er mash on the gas this Saturday at Springfield Raceway.. Here kitty kitty kitty … The Final Points tally comes down to one last night . We will open draw & no redraw for our lineups to conclude our weekly points racing season . All Metals Recycling BOMBRs Enduro , Cop Stock , Crown Vic will be on the card as well. All BOMBRs need to go to pre tech before timing in during hot laps . The A Main will be 44 laps & drivers will start 3 wide with a rolling Traditional rolling start taking the green in turn 4. Springfield Raceway will be racing 7 Classes of Dirt Cars this Saturday that compete weekly to be in Victory Lane at the end of each night. All trailer Services POWRi B Mods Indigo Sky Casino POWRI MW Modzs A Wheeler Metals Legends Hayden Machinery MW POWRi Modzs B Pepsi Pure Stock Guffey Services Heating & Air Fwd Mini Stock All Metals Recycling BOMBrs Enduro Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT... You can watch Springfield Raceway each week from your recliner at your home on https://springfieldraceway.tv/ Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT... DON’T FORGET TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY AT SPRINGFIELD RACEWAY FOR FREE…. The week of your Birthday Sunday through Saturday show valid Id for proof of your Birthday & watch the Races for FREE at Springfield Raceway… Springfield Raceway as well offers discounts on groups for any type of gathering & especially a Birthday. You can check the details out on the Springfield Raceway web page at https://springfieldraceway.com/ For booking a BIRTHDAY PARTY you can call or text 1-417-863-0097 & leave a message & someone will contact you back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from SPRINGFIELD RACEWAY & Track Owner Jerry Hoffman…
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