Weekly Racing + Enduro
Springfield Raceway - Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, July 13, 2024
TODAY IS RACEDAY AT SPRINGFIELD RACEWAY…if you live in another state far away & can’t make the drive u have the option of watching at home at https://springfieldraceway.tv/ ITENARY 7/13/24 subject to change 6:30 Hot Laps 7:00 ish - Racing HEATS- MW B , Fwd , B Mod ,Leg , MW A P.S. B FEATURES IF NECESSARY A MAIN - MW B Cls ......INTERMISSION .......... A MAIN- FWD A MAIN- MW A A MAIN - B MOD A MAIN - PURE STOCK A MAIN - LEGEND 44 lap BOMBRs ENDURO Thanks for Racin at #myoldirtrack Springfield Missouri This Saturday July 13 PepsiCo presents the All Metals Recycling BOMBRs Enduro cars with a 44 lap main event paying $144 to WIN. All weekly classes as well will be racing on this night. Be sure & bring your crown Vic cop stock to the BOMBr Enduro event & race with the other crown Vic’s that have been competing…..& then you can see is your ol crown Vic can compete with the other crown Vic’s….. All 6 weekly classes will be racing WEEKLY CLASSES INDIGO SKY CASINO POWRi MW Modzs WHEELER METALS LEGENDS GUFFEY SERVICES HEATING & AIR POWRi FWD ALL TRAILER SERVICES POWRi B MOD HAYDEN MACHINERY POWRi MW Modzs B Cls. PEPSI POWRi PURE Stock All BOMBRs Enduro cars will need to get a transponder when they check in. All BOMBRs need to go to tech before the race. BOMBRs will time in during hot laps for their starting position in the 44 LAP MAIN EVENT. As ALWAYS Crown Vics are Welcome…. SATURDAY July 13 TIMES & PRICES Hot laps - 6:30 Driver Cut off - 6:10 Racing - 7:00 ish Passes $ $ Live Stream - $24.99 Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT... You can watch Springfield Raceway each week from your recliner at your home on https://springfieldraceway.tv/ Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT... About Pepsi PepsiCo, Inc. is an American multinational food, snack, and beverage corporation headquartered in Harrison, New York, in the hamlet of Purchase. PepsiCo's business encompasses all aspects of the food and beverage market. It oversees the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of its products. PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay, Inc. PepsiCo has since expanded from its namesake product Pepsi Cola to an immensely diversified range of food and beverage brands. The largest and most recent acquisition was Pioneer Foods in 2020 for US$1.7 billion[3] and prior to it was buying the Quaker Oats Company in 2001, which added the Gatorade brand to the Pepsi portfolio and Tropicana Products in 1998.
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