Weekly Racing
Springfield Raceway - Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Springfield Mo. ………….TODAY JULY 6………….. 6:30- HOT LAPS MAKE UP FEATURE CARS ONLY P.S. , B Mod , Fwd ,,,,,,,,,PRAYER NATIONAL ANTHEM,,,,,, 6:45- Make up - P.S MAIN Make up - B Mod MAIN Make up - Fwd MAIN TRACK PREP IF NECESSARY HEATS - MW B , MW A , Leg , B Mod P.S., Fwd B FEATURE IF Necessary MAIN - MW A ……………INTERMISSION………….. MAIN - MW B MAIN - LEGEND MAIN - PURE STOCK MAIN - B MOD MAIN - FWD MAIN - MW B THANKS for Racing @ #myoldirtrack…… This Saturday July 6 racing continues with All weekly classes . ALL & ANY cars can race with us July 6 with a complete show. We will running the Pure Stock , B Mod & Fwd make up features from last week June 29. We will not let new cars tag the field for the makeup race . All 6 weekly classes will be racing WEEKLY CLASSES INDIGO SKY CASINO POWRi MW Modzs WHEELER METALS LEGENDS GUFFEY SERVICES HEATING & AIR POWRi FWD ALL TRAILER SERVICES POWRi B MOD HAYDEN MACHINERY POWRi MW Modzs B Cls. PEPSI POWRi PURE Stock SATURDAY July 6 TIMES Hot laps - 6:30 Racing - 7:00 ish Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT... You can watch Springfield Raceway each week from your recliner at your home on https://springfieldraceway.tv/ Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@SpringfieldRacewayYT...
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