Outlaw Races | Enduro | Powder Puff

Springfield Raceway - Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, October 21, 2023
for Immediate release… Springfield Mo. OUTLAW NIGHT …. NO TECH…. Tech Man Appreciation Night… B MODS POSSIBLE $1,702.69 To WIN 4 a OUTLAW…. RACE FANS COME OUT & see WHO THA OUTLAWS ARE IN 2023 at Springfield Raceway …. Sometimes Drivers interpret tha rules with miss understanding in their own mind & don’t meet the rules the Race Tracks presented…. So that’s why on this night it’s OUTLAW NIGHT…. THE KOOLEST LOOKIN OUTLAW RECEIVES $100 cash a bottle of Pepsi , a snickers bar , a bottle of Busch Light & a sheet of sheet metal from WHEELER METALS…. Saturday October 21 Hayden Machinery & All Trailer Service presents OUTLAW NIGHT at Springfield Raceway…. Tech Man Appreciation Night & the tech area is closed for our weekly classes…. RUN WHAT YA BRUNG & HOPE U BRUNG ENOUGH….NO RULES … BIG WINGS … SPOILERS … no DECK HEIGHT RULE… NO VACUUM RULE… NO ENGINE RULE… … NO HEAD RULE…ALUMINUM HEADS… 114 Octane…. DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS … 10 ” wheels & tires….no rules … no points …. Let’s C who tha OUTLAWS WILL BE…. The ol sayin …that guy that knows he was cheating & still was getting out run because everyone in his mind was cheating more than him….. RUN WHAT YA BRUNG & hope ya BRUNG ENOUGH…. Disclaimer on what was said above … You must run a car in the class the car has been raced in all year … meaning no stock cars running pure stock or BMods running MW Modzs… # NO TEXAS STYLE ENDURO CARS RUNNING PURE STOCK …. SPRINGFIELD RACEWAY will as well be running a ALL METALS RECYCLING BOMBRs Enduro Race & for the ladies a POWDER PUFF….. CLASSES RACING October 21 INDIGO SKY CASINO MW Modzs $418 to WIN HAYDEN MACHINERY MW Modzs B Class $369 to WIN WHEELER METALS Legends $412 to WIN PEPSI Pure Stock $377 to WIN GUFFEY SERVICES HEAT & AIR Mini Stock / fwd $298 to WIN ALL TRAILER SERVICE POWRi B Mods $702.69 to WIN OUTLAW BONUS in B MODS of $1,000 TO DRIVER THAT PAYS $100 outlaw administrations donation at DRAW…. ALL METAL RECYCLING BOMBRs / Enduro $144 to WIN ENDURO CARS WAS ALL READY ON THE SCHEDULE & WILL RUN UNDER BOMBRs ENDURO rules…these cars must tech before the race ….. POWDER PUFF for the LADIES DIRECTIONS Driving Directions: I-44 to exit 75, then south to Kearney Hwy., then 1.0 mile west to Westgate Ave., then 0.3 mile south. 2110 N Fm Rd 123 Springfield Missouri SPECIAL EVENT $ $ Grandstands Adults- $18 Seniors/Military- $16 Kids 6-Seniors in High School- $3 5 & under - Free Special Events prices subject to change. …………………. PIT PASS $ $ Adults- $40 Kids 6-14 - $15 5 & under FREE Special Events prices subject to change. ………………….. Times for 10/21/23 Pit Gate - 2:00 Grandstands- 3:45 Driver Cut off - 4:15 Hot laps - 4:30 Racing - 5:00 ……………………… If you can’t attend the Springfield Raceway you have the option to watch live at https://springfieldraceway.tv/ REMAINING SPRINGFIELD RACEWAY SCHEDULE OUTLAW NIGHT TECH MAN APPRECIATION NIGHT… Bring what ya got & hope ya brought enough.. ENDURO POWDER PUFFs OPEN PRACTICE - ALL CLASSES All Trailer Service & Hayden Machinery Night….

Produced by: Springfield Raceway

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