Live $1,200 to Win 40 Lap B-Mods Special

Springfield Raceway - Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Springfield, Missouri Springfield Raceway will be having an added money B Mod Race Saturday, October 17. Springfield Raceway Track owner Jerry Hoffman states.“ The ever so rising costs of the A Mod division the B Mods have given a Modified Racer a little less expensive class to compete in. The differences in the B Mod rules across the United States Springfield Raceway has made a rules package to bring all the major Sanctioning Bodies together for an added money B Mod Race. The Springfield Raceway is an equalizer to help with the rules packages as the ¼ mile clay oval is small but races big with multi grooves , slick with a cushion & you need to be up on tha wheel but still be easy on the right foot to get some traction. This B Mod Event will be limited keeping the National Touring series Driver from being able to race. Thank You goes out to Joplin Home Inspection, Comer’s Auto Xpress,& Eagle Machine for their help in putting this B Mod Event on. Support Classes TBA.... ……….Payout A MAIN ……. 1) $1200 2) 600 3) 525 4) 515 5) 510 6)505 7) 500 😎 490 9) 485 10) 480 11) 475 12) 470 13) 455 14) 445 15) 435 16) 425 17) 415 18) 410 19) 405 20) 400 $120 to start the B Main….. B Mod Car Entry Fee $80 / Racereceivers required.. ALL CARS WILL DRAW FOR HEAT…. TOP 8 PASSING POINTS TO A MAIN …. TOP 8 WILL REDRAW FOR TOP 4 ROWS LINEUP ALL OTHER CARS WILL BE LINED UP IN B MAINS BY PASSING POINTS …. B MAINS & TRANSFER CARS DEPEND ON CAR COUNT /WE WILL START 20 CARS IN A MAIN... ........B MOD RULES...NO MIXING OF RULES…... *IMCA NORTHERN SPORT MOD can run Spoiler can groove sipe tires/ no back panel...IMCA Hoosiers *IMCA SOUTHERN MOD May run Southern Sport Mod Legal Spoiler/Hoosier 500 / IMCA STAMP ONLY *WISSOTA SPORT MOD : NO spoiler/ Wissota tire *USRA :usra rules / American g-60 *UMP B MOD- MUST run M60 on rear *TRI-CITYSPEEDWAY.NET - must run 60 on rear *SPRINGFIELD MW MODZS - must be legal / add 2” spoiler *LAKESIDE/ I35 EMOD-2” spoiler/ 6200 rpm chip max B Mod Driver Eligibility Requirements for Saturday, October 17. Drivers cannot be in the top 25 of a National Points or Touring series in 2020 in the list below. ( IMCA Modfied,USMTS Modified, USRA A Modified, WISSOTA Modified,UMP Modified,UMP Latemodel WISSOTA Latemodel,NCRA Latemodel ) (MLRA, Comp Cams,MARS,Lucas Oil Latemodels World of Outlaws Latemodel or Sprint Cars, ASCS, Any NASCAR Cup , Xfinity , Truck Series. ) NO A MODIFIED TRACK CHAMPIONS 2020 Or if you Qualified for a Main Event in any of the above Series or Sanctioning Bodies….. Kyle Larson is NOT eligible to run this race…. Springfield Raceway reserves the right to refuse entry to this race to anyone they may deem ineligible for this type of race…..

Produced by: Springfield Raceway

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